Why You Can’t Get an Interview

Feel like you’re applying to job after job and getting nowhere? If your job application efforts appear to be fruitless and you’re imagining your carefully crafted resume being thrown into virtual trashcans in companies all around Melbourne, there could be a simple explanation.

Roughly only 2% of applicants are actually offered an interview. That means you’re not alone in your struggles, but it also doesn’t give jobseekers much confidence. Nowadays, the internet makes it easy for us to fire off resumes to desired employers, so why is it still so difficult to land the job you want?

You’re Not Qualified for that Particular Role

Employers estimate that around 75% of applicants that apply for a role don’t meet the required qualifications. Often, an employer states their strict requirements on a job advertisement, so if you don’t possess the skills and qualifications they need, you’ll fall at the first hurdle.

It can be tempting to apply for a dream job even if you’re missing a couple of the requirements. If that’s the case, go for it! Some employers use the “credential creep” where they flood a job ad with such a huge list of skills that any one person is unlikely to possess all of them.

If you really want it, be sure to make your passion shine through so that recruiters might consider a less qualified candidate. Otherwise, make it your mission to go out and get the skills that are needed through online courses or night classes.

You’re Not Showing Why You’re Different

On average, 118 people are applying for the same job as you! With such a high volume of candidates, it’s no wonder recruiters are so quick to throw a resume into the “no” pile. Show the employer why you stand out and how you can make their life easier. Instead of just listing duties at your previous jobs, explain the outcomes and how you made a difference.

Show how you add value to the workplace and why your experience is relevant to the challenges of the job you want. Make your cover letter and CV stand out from the pack, too. Use graphic programmes like Canva or Pages for a more unique CV layout and get creative with the wording on your cover letter. Take your time, it could change your career!

You’re Not Applying for the Right Job

By this, we mean your application is too generic. You can’t send off the same application for two different roles, however similar they may be! Tailor your application to that company, so read their job ad to the letter and find your way around their website. Get to know their values, mission and history and show why you’re the perfect fit for that company.

Make small edits to your resume before you hit send. Change your job title to that of the job ad and tweak your objectives to be in line with what they want. You have one chance to show a recruiter how much you want the job and why they need you there!

Recruitment companies in Melbourne can have a meeting with you to determine your career goals and help you nail the job you want. First Personnel has the expertise to prepare you in every way for job applications and interviews so contact us online or call (03) 500 200 30 and let’s get you ahead in your dream career.


Sources: Workopolis, Forbes